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At Pizza Hut, shining a light on talent is important to us. We believe everyone deserves equal opportunity and that’s why we created the Equal Slice program. The program provides education, mentorship, and $20,000 grants to business owners to help them succeed.

What’s the program?

We’ve partnered with Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) who have over 15 years of experience in supporting business owners by giving them a chance to make their dreams a reality. Together, we are giving these business owners the opportunity to get education, mentorship, and grants they might not get otherwise.

How can I contribute to the program as a Pizza Hut Customer?

Pizza Hut accepts contributions both in store and online. In store, let a team member know that you’d like to round up your order total to contribute to Equal Slice. If ordering online, you can easily add $1 to your order at checkout to contribute to Equal Slice! All contributions are greatly appreciated and will help this program thrive and grow.




How will my contribution be used?

Collected contributions may be used for a variety of purposes to support the program, some of which may include marketing costs, grants and operating costs.

How much of my contribution goes toward the Equal Slice Program vs. administrative costs?

The majority of contributions received will be put towards the Equal Slice Program. Some of the contributions may be used to support various administrative costs.

What is the nature of the relationship between Pizza Hut Canada and ICIC?

Pizza Hut Canada and ICIC are entering their third year of partnership to put on the Equal Slice Program. ICIC leads recruitment and applicant communications, organizes mentor connections, and runs the education program and overall grant process. Pizza Hut Canada oversees the program, offers guidance and mentorship, engages with grant applicants and selects grant recipients.

Will I receive a donation receipt for my contribution?

No. Since PH Canada Company is not a Canadian Registered Charity, it is not able to receive donations and provide charitable receipts to donors.

What impact will my contribution make?

Your contribution will allow the Equal Slice Program to continue to grow each year.


ICIC drives inclusive economic prosperity in underrepresented communities through innovative research and programs to create jobs, income, and wealth for local residents.

Founded in 1994 by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter, the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City is a national nonprofit research and advisory organization and the leading authority on U.S. inner city economies and the businesses that thrive there.


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®Reg. TM/MD Pizza Hut International LLC; Used under license. © 2024 PH Canada Company. All rights reserved.

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